
我叫 Tongkai,出生在中国东部沿海的一个医学世家。我的母亲是江沪浙地区非常有名的眼科医生,父亲参与医院管理工作。我曾赴意大利留学,攻读临床心理学学位,归国后专注于肿瘤及慢病心理康复领域,现为临床心理学家,主要从事科研、带教和临床工作。团队曾编写中国第一本《肿瘤康复心理学指南》,并积极参与康复医院的管理。

在职业发展中,我曾参与多个国际项目,包括英国的自闭症研究交换项目和新西兰 Greymouth Hospital 主导的 Cancer Care 实习项目。这些经历让我深刻认识到西方医学人文发展的深厚基础与系统支持,而中国医学在这一领域仍处于探索阶段,亟需发展。

2016年,在拜耳公司一位医药代表的提议下,我们了解到欧洲的 Red Noses 项目 并深感启发。然而,由于当时中国特殊的国情政策及资源限制,我们无法引入原版团队,只能依托国内力量推动这一理念。为此,我们注册了一系列相关域名,具体包括:



如有意合作或交流,欢迎通过以下邮箱联系我们:[email protected]。我们将在收到信息后48小时内回复。


Signature of Tongkai

Site Declaration

My name is Tongkai, born into a medical family on the eastern coast of China. My mother is a renowned ophthalmologist in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions, and my father works in hospital management. I studied clinical psychology in Italy and returned to China to specialize in oncology and chronic disease psychological rehabilitation. Now, I work as a clinical psychologist focusing on research, teaching, and clinical practice. Our team compiled China’s first "Guidelines for Oncology Rehabilitation Psychology" and actively participated in rehabilitation hospital management.

During my career, I engaged in several international projects, including an autism research exchange program in the UK and a Cancer Care internship led by Greymouth Hospital in New Zealand. These experiences made me realize the solid foundation and systematic support for medical humanities in the West, compared to the exploratory stage of such efforts in China, which urgently need further development.

In 2016, inspired by a Bayer pharmaceutical representative, we learned about Europe’s Red Noses project. However, due to China’s policies and resource constraints at the time, we could not introduce the original team and instead promoted this idea domestically. To support these efforts, we registered the following domains:

In 2021, I joined the Ping An Oncology Rehabilitation Psychology team in Shanghai to take over an unfulfilled project. Our focus was on psychological rehabilitation for cancer patients. Over time, we discovered that psychological trauma and cognitive changes among patients in advanced stages often lead to negative feedback loops, accelerating disease progression and adversely affecting outcomes. Furthermore, while hospital management processes improve efficiency, they often overlook patient-oriented designs, resulting in a disconnect between doctors and patients. This disconnect makes it difficult to foster empathy, a core reason why we advocate for patient narratives and humanities in medicine.

As China advances its material and spiritual civilization, the development of medical humanities is entering a critical period. Therefore, our team has decided to publish this statement across all available platforms, inviting global organizations and individuals interested in medical humanities and personal narratives to join us in advancing this field.

If you wish to collaborate or communicate, please contact us via email at [email protected]. We will respond within 48 hours upon receiving your message.


Signature of Tongkai